If you do not represent a “Bricks and Mortar” store we unfortunately cannot offer you membership at this time.

ITSA will help you to leverage collective strength while maintaining your freedom

We can provide better deals for you without you having to sacrifice your control

We will help to build a collaborative network for negotiation and cost savings, free from franchise restrictions

We will provide the power of collective negotiation for exclusive import deals

You will be a part of an Australia wide support group

You will partner with top-tier brands for exclusive, ongoing supply.

You will pay a minimal membership fee ( annual)

You will have access to comprehensive marketing kits.

As a member, you will be included in the ITSA catalogues which go out 3 or 4 times per year.

PLUS you’re joining a group of wonderful, fun and amazing people across Australia who know first hand the joys and tears of running a small business.

At ITSA, we understand the struggles of independent toy stores in Australia. Unlike traditional buying groups that dictate your inventory and quantities, we empower you. We negotiate the best deals possible with suppliers, offering lower minimum order quantities (MOQs). This translates to greater freedom to stock a wider variety of high-demand toys, allowing you to effectively compete with larger retailers.

Stuffed bears on a shelf